About Aleta
What kind of boat is Aleta? Aleta is a Valiant 42 cutter rigged sailboat. She was designed as a ‘performance cruiser’ and has already proven her mettle around the world. For the full story of Aleta’s origins click here for an article on the: Birth of the Valiant.
What’s her name all about? Aleta is named for the grey eyed Queen of the Misty Isles and wife of Prince Valiant. She is tough and resourceful and more than Valiant’s equal. She is also Val’s one true love, the woman he went to the ends of the earth to find and marry. Besides, she looks a bit like Carol.
Why did we choose red when we painted Aleta? According to Chinese folklore the invisible red thread of destiny binds soulmates together. Traditionally, men and women bound by a red thread will one day become lovers and marry. Adoptive parents often believe a red thread brought them together with their children. We like the idea that a red thread brings together people who believe in the power of the human spirit to overcome obstacles of all kinds.
Carol: Explorer, risk-taker, and reformed vegetarian, Carol’s mantra “it’s all for the children” is never far from her mind or her lips, especially when things get challenging. As a long-time social entrepreneur her work has helped change the lives of thousands of vulnerable children. An inveterate traveler, Carol has soloed the wilds of Central America, Europe, SE Asia and the breadth of China in addition to her lifelong pursuit of the best dive sites and fresh powder skiing. Carol has committed to this adventure for at least a year, more if she likes it.
Mike: World traveler, visionary, businessman and frustrated creative, Mike worked for years in the corporate world serving in every functional organization except finance. Mike’s motto (via Mark Twain), “all you need in this life is ignorance and confidence; then success is sure” has proven its worth on this adventure already. The logic goes something like this: if we knew what we don’t know, then we probably wouldn’t go. Mike has ambitions of becoming a sailor – someday.
Where is Aleta?
Click here: Aleta on marinetraffic.com
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