My Buddy Mark

What is a Friend? My dad’s definition of a friend is someone with whom you can pick up a conversation wherever and whenever you left it. Even years later. It’s a simple test that proves itself. Try it. Finding an …

Aleta: Drag Queen

Position: 27°15’00.7″N 80°13’26.8″W They say the story doesn’t begin until the conflict arises. That the hero’s journey starts with a mission based on conflict. The journey is taken and the hero is transformed. That’s it – three acts and you’re …

Life on the River

We’ve been at anchor for two weeks. There’s a method in our madness, kindly supported by our friends Mark and Tammy. They’ve been taking in our mail, receiving packages, and letting us borrow their car. During that time, we’ve been …

The Gecko

WARNING: This entry includes fruity British colloquialisms for which no apology is made – ed.  There’s a Brit that’s best avoided – but is all the same unavoidable. When I lived in London we used to call them wide boys, …

Cape Canaveral

Position: 30°24’05.9″N 81°25’51.5″W We pulled out of Fernandina and headed south, ever southwards, towards Jacksonville and the St. Johns Inlet. There’s nothing particularly remarkable about this short section of the Florida coast, so let’s skip it. We arrived sharply into …

Brunswick Photos

Here are the few images that capture the heart of Brunswick. These photos were taken in the center of the old part of the city, the bit that clings on to the peninsula. Carol and I covered a full six …