Terms of Endearment

Position: 45°31’07.3″N 122°40’58.4″W Nautical terminology is highly specific. When the captain calls out, “Double the starboard bow line and tie it off on the starboard bow cleat, then release the port breast lines”, there isn’t room for interpretation. It is …

Schlitt’s Creak

This week we continue our occasional series about famous sea craptains. For our more sensitive readers please note this entry contains salty language, such as that typically employed by sailors – and plumbers… Position: 57°21’00.0″N 1°39’00.0″W April 1945 – off …

What Defines a Country?

Position: 45°37’02.0″N 122°40’18.1″W Having criss-crossed the globe vertically and horizontally in the past couple of months, it occurred to me that our oblique definitions of first, second and third world countries are just that – oblique. The traveller, if they …

Eight-Bit Hoarder

Position: 1994 I’m a hoarder. I admit it. It’s not pretty, but there you have it. You might not know it at first glance. After all I live on a boat with about 350 square feet of space to put …


If glamorous camping is ‘glamping’, then surely glamorous boating must be ‘gloating’[1]. Surely! But what constitutes gloating in this new nautical sense? First a couple of root definitions: Boating – means simply messing about in boats. A boat is any …